Twin Flames - Remember Me
The timing... A few months ago, I attempted to write another post, driven by the urgent need to write something after such a long hiatus,...

Twin Flames - The Cyclone
A definitive moment... I always knew that when I chose to stop running in every way possible by committing to sobriety – the emotions I’d...

Twin Flames - The Island of Temperance
Throughout my awakening, there have always been pieces of me that needed to catch up with the rest. Pieces of the little-self that even thou

Twin Flames - The Gift of Separation
Full circle... Time and time again, we invest in a dream that claims separation is possible because of the physical departure of our...

Twin Flames - Allowing Desire for Physical Reunion
Conscious investigation... The ego voice is compelling, as well as being reassuringly familiar, which is why it incites reactive...

Twin Flames - Abiding in Awareness
After we awaken... I wanted to write a little more about what happens after we awaken. What I specifically wanted to address is the sense...

Twin Flame Separation Pain - From Devastation to Serenity
The tide will turn... The first blog post I ever wrote was about the pain of twin flame separation and how I'd learnt to transmute that...

I wanted to share a poem that I've written. It's very much about coming to the understanding that all of this love, along with every

Twin Flames - The Story of Love
A pure wildness... The time has come for me to take a break from writing. For a long while now I've been caught up in the midst of a...

Twin Flames - Accepting The Atonement
I first learned of the Atonement when I read A Course in Miracles. Atonement is the place where we are abolished of all guilt and shame. Our